iPhone insurance

Whether your Apple iPhone is the very latest model on a contract or an older one on Pay As You Go, getting iPhone insurance will surely make sense. Being one of the most expensive of the smartphones out there at present – losing one, having it stolen or even damaging it could prove very expensive indeed. Yet, for less than the price of a even couple of drinks or magazines a month you can have peace of mind regarding any smartphone mishaps with iPhone mobile phone insurance.

Levels of iPhone insurance
Exactly the same as insuring most things, you can buy various levels of iPhone mobile phone insurance from fairly basic theft, loss or damage ones right up to iPhone mobile phone insurance policies that will even insure you against fraudulent calls.
So, the full range of iPhone mobile phone insurance options that you can take cover out will normally include theft, accidental damage and loss with options on also taking out extended iPhone mobile phone insurance for things like international cover, water and liquid damage cover (if excluded from ordinary accidental damage) and the fraudulent cover just mentioned above. You can also, if you wish to, add extended warranty cover to an iPhone mobile phone insurance policy.
Shop around for your iPhone insurance deal
Needless to say the best way to find iPhone mobile phone insurance is by searching for great iPhone insurance deals online – but what will make an iPhone insurance deal a great one? We've just explained what you should look for in an iPhone mobile phone insurance policy and, of course, you will have to decide exactly which options you need and how much you can afford to spend per month on your iPhone insurance.
But, the best iPhone insurance deal isn't necessarily the one that gives you the most features in its cover for the lowest price. For example, finding a company offering iPhone insurance for less than £6 a month, covering all the things we listed in the previous section, might seem great at first glance. But how helpful would that smartphone insurance policy be if it took weeks to process a claim – leaving you disconnected from the all of the smartphone widgets and apps you're now so reliant on?
If being without an Apple iPhone for more than a couple of days, whilst any claim you make against your iPhone insurance is processed, would simply be too long for you – check the details before placing an order for iPhone mobile phone insurance to make sure that the iPhone insurance company will be able to deal with any claim you might have to make within 48 hours or less.
iPhone fraudulent call cover
As if having an iPhone stolen wasn't inconvenient enough – imagine the added stress of later realising that someone else has been running up a huge call bill on your iPhone. Although once you realise that your iPhone has been stolen and you've notified the network you're with – the phone can be de-activated, what about any calls made on your iPhone by the thief before the network deactivates it? Your network won't accept any responsibility for fraudulent call charges before you've reported your iPhone stolen and, once deactivated, it can't then be used for fraudulent calls anyway.
Therefore, the time between you realising it's been stolen and it being deactivated by the network is when the fraudulent calls will be made. So, if you decide to sign up for a fraudulent calls option on an iPhone mobile phone insurance policy – make sure it will cover you for fraudulent calls up to the time you report the phone as lost or stolen to your network.