LG insurance

LG might not be one of the biggest names in mobile phone manufacturing, but if you own an LG mobile or smartphone then you'll no doubt be on the look out for the very best deals in LG mobile phone insurance too.
One interesting point about LG mobile phones, should you be looking to buy a new one at the moment, is that unlike some manufacturers they're quite happy to make their top-end models available to pay-as-you-go customers. So, if you've spent your own hard earned cash to pay in full for the latest LG smartphone – surely spending a few more pounds a month to protect it with LG mobile phone insurance is a 'must do' thing to follow up with on your purchase.

Why you should insure any LG mobile phone
However much you've paid for your LG mobile phone on a pay-as-you-go basis - you really ought to be looking for LG mobile phone insurance offers. Whether you've bought your LG phone from an online mobile phone store or one of the familiar High Street stores, when you were actually paying for it – quite probably the last thing on your mind was paying that bit extra to buy LG mobile phone insurance.
It really is only a natural reaction to think - "hang on, haven't I just paid out enough for the phone and now they're trying to get more money out of me"? However, regardless whether the LG model you bought is a low cost one or the very latest and most expensive one, whatever price you paid – its relative value to you will be the same. That is to say, for example, that whilst for one person an £80 new phone might seem expensive, for someone else a £100 LG mobile might seem inexpensive but although the £400 model would represent a considerable outlay on a mobile phone – it would be just affordable for them.
So, if for any reason either person, in the examples just mentioned, were to lose, have stolen or damage their phones – they might not be able to easily or immediately afford to replace it. So, relatively, LG mobile phone insurance on any model of LG mobile or smartphones could actually save you added expense in the future by providing you with a replacement handset within 24 to 48 hours and at no extra cost to you.
Pay monthly LG phones and insurance
So far we've only mentioned LG mobile phone insurance in terms of pay-as-you-go phones – but what about for pay monthly ones? Just because you are on a pay monthly contract for your LG phone does not mean that, in the event of it being lost, damaged or stolen, the store you bought it from or the network you're on will help you out.
Your pay monthly contract is simply a leasing agreement, whereby the mobile phone store rents the handset out to you and pays the network provider on your behalf. If you were to damage your pay monthly phone, have it stolen or if you lost it, even though you couldn't use it - you would still have to make the monthly payments.
Under such circumstances, the only way to protect yourself from paying the monthly contract and yet not having a phone to use for it, is to take out LG mobile phone insurance as the first thing you do after actually buying the phone itself. That doesn't mean you have to buy the stores own LG mobile phone insurance offer, as you may well find a better LG mobile phone insurance deal online, which you'll surely be able to organise next thing.