Motorola insurance

motorola insurance

Depending on the value of your Motorola mobile phone, you can get Motorola mobile phone insurance from as little as just �2 a month for basic phones and �5 for the newest and best models. So even on the most basic of Motorola mobile phones - that must surely make sense?

If you can buy a brand new Motorola mobile phone for less than �25 or a pay monthly contract for one that is less than �2 a month � perhaps you can afford to avoid taking out Motorola mobile phone insurance. However, on the basis that you almost certainly can't get one of these high quality mobile or smartphones so cheaply � why haven't you already signed up for a Motorola mobile phone insurance package?

motorola insurance

No Motorola mobile phone insurance could be a false economy

OK, so we all want to save money these days whether that's to do with not wanting to increase our debts, worrying about job security or just that we're trying to save money for something else like a holiday, a wedding, birthday, Christmas etc. Regardless of whether you buy your Motorola mobile outright to use as a pay-as-you-go or you get one on a pay monthly contract � when you're actually purchasing the phone, the last thing you want to do is add to the amount of money you're handing over by also taking out a Motorola mobile phone insurance contract.

Hey, aren't you the clever one saving yourself a few extra pounds? That's all well and good providing you don't lose it, have it stolen or accidentally damage it to the point it needs repairing or replacing. For, unfortunately, if any of those things happen and you haven't got Motorola mobile phone insurance� you've got to pay out all over again for another new phone, even if you're on a monthly contract. Meaning that what you thought was going to be a saving to you actually turns out to be a false economy.

Personal responsibilities and Motorola phone insurance

Taking out Motorola mobile phone insurance does not mean to say that you can negate any responsibility for what happens to your mobile phone. For example, if it were to be stolen � to make a claim against the Motorola mobile phone insurance package you will need to have reported the theft to the police and have reported your phone as being stolen to your network provider, immediately you realise it has been stolen.

It's worth mentioning here too that some Motorola mobile phone insurance offers mean that the insurer doesn't have to pay out if you've been negligent in allowing your phone to be stolen; for example, leaving it unattended on a table in a bar. Similarly, if you lose your mobile phone you may also have to be able to prove that you didn't contribute to the phone becoming lost due to a reckless or unthinking act.

Crazy as this may sound, but it has happened, for example dropping it into the sea when peering over a harbour wall! If you think it unfair that you have to prove your phone was stolen or genuinely lost, try thinking about this question that occurs to the insurer � how many people will make a false claim on Motorola mobile phone insurance just so that they can get the latest model phone as a replacement?

Finally there's claiming for damage through a Motorola mobile phone insurance deal. This is a little more straightforward as the insurer will be sent a report from the repairer detailing what was wrong and an opinion as to how it might have happened. So, providing it is a genuine accident that caused the damage � a Motorola mobile phone insurance claim for damage is usually easily processed.

Mobile Phone Insurance benefits

You are covered against theft. If it is stolen, it will be replaced.

Accidental damage. Your phone is covered in the event of any accidental damage.

If your mobile phone breaks down, all repair costs will be covered.

Unauthorised calls cover.
Upto �100 towards the cost if your phone is stolen.

Your phone will be replaced within 48 hours of a successful claim.

Worldwide Cover.

Mobile Phone Insurance available for both contract and pay as you go phones.